
Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品

Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品真的不錯人氣蠻不錯看完後有一種說不出的感動

之前專賣店看到就蠻想買的,老實說我自己是還挺喜歡的啦 ,給小雅看她也說這售價真的蠻合理的。

推薦大家一本語言學習Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品全書的內容大意

加碼熱銷 Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品曾在博客來網路書店造成搶購熱潮。




Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品 好書推薦 博客來網路書店歡迎您


Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: Spotlights on Taiwan is a course book in tended to integrate Taiwan's local cultures into English langu博客來網路書店age learning.

This book博客來網路書局 is intended for:

* students who pursue a career in the cultural or tourism industries introducing Taiwan to foreign tourists
* people who currently work in the local cultural or tourism industries and wish to improve their English competence
* volunteer wor博客來書店kers in the field of cultural tourism who aim to hone their language skills


* Content-based: It explores the cultural heritage as well as geographical and ecological features of each major city or tourist attraction in Taiwan.

* Skill-based: It offers listening, speaking, reading , and writing exercises – ranging from guided, less-controlled, to free practice.

* Functional grammar-oriented: It reinforces grammar structures through various contexts and situations where meaningful communication is the focus.

* Authentic: It provides realistic language learning tasks based on authentic texts such as disembarkation cards, the HSR cabin broadcasting, hotel and museum webpages, job interviews, and resume forms.

Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2009/05/08
  • 語言:英文

Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品 評比 博客來網路書局

Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品

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Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品
那裡買,Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品價格,Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品特賣會,Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品評比,Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品部落客 推薦



























Spotlight on Taiwan-Opening Taiwan to the World with CD-1片極品商品


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